Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sderot, Israel....most shelled city in Israel.

Entrance to Sderot's new high speed train station.  Less than an hour to Tel Aviv.  Sderot is booming with commercial and residential building.  Property that was hard to give away a few years ago is very popular with the new commute. These pictures are from May, 2014 and cranes were all over the city.  Remember this is not "disputed" land....this is ISRAEL PROPER...but at the same time has endured endless shelling from Gaza approx. last 10 years.  Under the most adverse of conditions they THRIVE.

A  children's play yard in Sderot .  It is a bunker/caterpillar as they have bare minimum of seconds, 15 at most to get to a shelter.  If you go to the schools, the play ground will have multiple bunkers scattered throughout. Even the roofs are built on the schools to deflect a rocket. The smallest of children are taught to throw themselves on the ground and cover their heads should they not make it to a bunker.  Gaza is less than a mile away....the next time you take a walk.... take note...a mile is not very far.  The next time you warm something in your microwave...set it for 8 seconds and see how long little children have to run with their little legs.

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